  • Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm ET
  • support@compliancebeacon.com
  • +1 (814) 343-0717

This session is about Telehealth/Telemedicine and other Technology care codes that begin with an explanation of the differences between the words Telehealth and Telemedicine. Used inter-changeably prior to the COVID-19 crisis, that lack of distinction between the word for the care given by a provider using audio and visual technology and the word for the concept of care using different aspects of technology is now causing confusion and chaos. 

During this information-packed webinar, coding and billing expert Jill M. Young, will include a step by step explanations of the technology care codes that are currently available, so the user is familiar and comfortable using each of the codes when appropriate. Code details such as consent, who initiates the service, what are the time requirements for the service and for documentation of that timewho can perform a given set of codes, are there any frequency issues on the codes.

Webinar Objectives

Confusion over the place of service and modifiers seems apparent in the coding and billing field. Diagnosis codes and sequencing are other problems that present coders and billers as they try to submit for reimbursement. The CDC has issued some coding guidance along with a new ICD10 code to be used, but sequencing continues to be an area of question.  Audio and Visual requirements for telemedicine care for Medicare and other payers continue to evolve.  These changes present many challenges for coders and billers.

Webinar Agenda

During the webinar, Jill will share the latest information on key carriers and their acceptance of particular codes along with billing tips on certain codes that now have seen a relaxing of required elements. Medicare has continued to expand its rules of patient care during this pandemic. Find out what we know today for the technology service codes.

Billing tips on the place of service codes and what modifiers are available for use with Telehealth and which are needed for what services will also be discussed during the webinar.

Webinar Highlights
  • Definition and use of Modifiers, which to use when
  • Definition and use of Place of service codes, which to use, and when
  • Time-based codes, what are the minimums, and what documentation is required
  • Which codes require consent and what documentation is required to show it
  • When are there exceptions to the audio/visual definition of Telemedicine care codes
  • Which CPT/HCPCS codes can “qualified health professionals” bill for
  • What steps has Medicare taken to expedite provider enrollment
  • What requirements for licensing are needed for a physician to provide care
Who Should Attend
  • Coders
  • Billers
  • Office Managers
  • Practice Managers
  • Auditors

Jill M. Young

Jill M Young is the Principal of Young Medical Consulting, LLC. A company founded 18 years ago to meet the education and compliance needs of physicians and their staff Jill has over 40 years of medical experience working in all areas of the medical practice including clinical, billing and rounding with physicians. Her unique style of working with physicians is not only effective but helps bridge the gap between coders and physicians from a practical perspective. Her comments and opinions can be seen in several publications and also heard on a variety of audio-conferences. Her background gives her a unique style of teaching using real life examples of coding and billing situations. She hates boring lectures, so be prepared for a presentation that is fast paced and informative.

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