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Crafting Effective Appeals for Denial of Medical Claims and Under-Reimbursement of Out-of-Network Claims

Out of network and In-Network healthcare providers are now struggling to recover profits for their facilities and medical practices. In this session, Out of network and In-Network healthcare providers will learn techniques designed to get denials reversed and low-reimbursed out-of-network claims reprocessed at higher reimbursement rates.
In general, insurers/payors use numerous tactics and make various assertions in order to avoid payment. These tactics and assertions, based on your feedback often include:

  • Claims denied because MRS do not Support Services Billed.
  • Claims denied for Medical Necessity/Experimental/Investigational. 
  • Inclusive/Bundling.
  • Retroactive denials and claw-backs

Attendees will learn about effective techniques to get denials reversed and under-reimbursed out-of-network claims reprocessed at higher reimbursement rates. Attendees will receive instructions from our expert speaker Thomas Force how to draft an effective appeal including documents to enclose to ensure the appeal is processed and not rejected.

Webinar Objectives

Attendees will learn techniques to effectively defend payor audits and refund demands.

Webinar Agenda
  • Biggest Offenders & Most Common Complaints
  • Understand Why a Claim Was Denied
  • ID the Necessary Documents for a Successful Appeal
  • Know Your Appeal Rights (Including Under ERISA)
  • Capture Payment on Medical Necessity Claim Denials
  • Capture Payment on Coding-Based Claim Denials
  • Appealing GAP Exception Request Denials 
  • Capture Payment on Low-Pay Claim Appeals
  • Recoupment Demands
  • Cross-Plan Offsetting
  • State Prompt Pay Laws
  • State Unfair Claim Settlement Practices
  • Appeals and Reconsiderations
  • No Surprises Act
Webinar Highlights

Types of appeals/denials to be discussed include:

  • Medical necessity denials.
  • Experimental/Investigational denials.
  • Bundled/Inclusive denials.
  • Low Reimbursed out of network payments.
  • Denials for lack of documentation or service not supported by records.

Our expert speaker Thomas Force will share his vast experience in handling denials and drafting appeal letters as attorney and owner of a medical billing company.

Who Should Attend

Revenue cycle managers and staff, Healthcare facility and practice owners and managers, attorneys and billing companies.

Thomas J. Force, Esq.

As a state and federally licensed attorney in both New Jersey and New York, Mr. Force has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare and insurance industries. His success as a Wall Street insurance litigator and his tenure as General Counsel for a New York-based Accident and Health Insurance Company where he served as Chief Compliance Officer propelled the founding of The Patriot Group. The Patriot Group is a full service revenue recovery company that provides billing, collections, and follow-up services as well as assistance with managed care appeals, managed care contracting, credentialing and compliance.

Mr. Force is nationally recognized as an expert in revenue collection techniques, managed care contracting and appeal strategies. Mr. Force remains an active member and frequent speaker on managed care and collection techniques for the Health Finance Management Association, the Suffolk County Bar Association, and other organizations. A United States Marine, Mr. Force received the prestigious Meritorious Mast Award for Leadership in 1987. Mr. Force is also co-Chairman of the Health and Hospital Committee of the Suffolk County Bar Association. He is co-founder of the Healthcare Reimbursement Attorneys Network, a national association of attorneys that represent physicians and hospital clients. Mr. Force also works closely with the American Medical Association and various state Medical Associations.

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