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Learn How to Maximize Revenue and Minimize Claims Errors

Many providers including physician practices regularly suffer from claims denials due to coding issues or lack of medical necessity. Whether you’re an in-network or out-of-network provider, there is something you can do to recoup. 

Register for this pre-recorded webinar presented by our Healthcare Law and Regulatory Expert and learn to draft an appeal letter that will get results. The key, of course, is to understand why your claim was denied in the first place, so you can provide the necessary evidence to demonstrate your right to payment. 

Our speaker, who is an attorney is fully equipped to deliver several real-world methods that do (and don’t) work to recapture payment after an initial denial. He’ll guide you on how to interpret plan terms and provide Explanations of Benefits documents. 

This webinar is designed to help you understand why a claim was denied and then collect and submit the documentation required to make a successful appeal. The speaker will explain how and when to make a second appeal, if necessary—and how to appeal not just no-pay claims but low-pay claims as well.

Webinar Agenda
  • Understand why a claim was denied
  • Know your appeal rights
  • Identify the documentation needed to file a successful appeal
  • Capture payment on claims denied due to lack of medical necessity
  • Capture payment on claims denied due to coding issues
  • Capture payment on claims denied due to gap exception issues
  • Capture payment on low-pay claims (e.g., Medicare low R&C percentage)
Who Should Attend

This program is designed for in-network and out-of-network providers, physicians, and staff members.

Thomas J. Force, Esq.

As a state and federally licensed attorney in both New Jersey and New York, Mr. Force has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare and insurance industries. His success as a Wall Street insurance litigator and his tenure as General Counsel for a New York-based Accident and Health Insurance Company where he served as Chief Compliance Officer propelled the founding of The Patriot Group. The Patriot Group is a full service revenue recovery company that provides billing, collections, and follow-up services as well as assistance with managed care appeals, managed care contracting, credentialing and compliance.

Mr. Force is nationally recognized as an expert in revenue collection techniques, managed care contracting and appeal strategies. Mr. Force remains an active member and frequent speaker on managed care and collection techniques for the Health Finance Management Association, the Suffolk County Bar Association, and other organizations. A United States Marine, Mr. Force received the prestigious Meritorious Mast Award for Leadership in 1987. Mr. Force is also co-Chairman of the Health and Hospital Committee of the Suffolk County Bar Association. He is co-founder of the Healthcare Reimbursement Attorneys Network, a national association of attorneys that represent physicians and hospital clients. Mr. Force also works closely with the American Medical Association and various state Medical Associations.

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