Restraint and Seclusion is a hot spot with both CMS and the Joint Commission and a common area where hospitals are cited for being out of compliance. The restraint policy is one of the hardest to write and understand in healthcare today.
CMS made significant changes in restraints in 2019. Specifically, CMS changed the term from LIP - licensed independent practitioner to LP (licensed practitioner). The change allows PAs to write orders for restraints in states where they are considered dependent practitioners. The changes will be discussed in detail.
The number one area of deficiencies for a specific requirement in the CMS CoP is regarding restraints. CMS permits access to the deficiencies against hospitals which is updated quarterly. This program will discuss the most problematic standards in the restraint section.
Did you know any physician or provider who orders restraint must be trained in the hospital’s policy? Did you know that both CMS and Joint Commission require hospital staff to be educated on restraint and seclusion interpretive guidelines on an annual basis? This program can be used to help hospitals meet this requirement. CMS also says that restraint training must be on-going so you cannot just provide training at orientation and forget about it. CMS has ten pages of training requirements.
This webinar will discuss the requirements for an internal log and what must be in the log for patients who die in one or two soft wrist restraints. It will include what must be documented in the medical record also. It will also discuss the new electronic reporting requirements for patients who die in restraints and within 24 hours of being in a restraint.
Lena Browning is a nurse leader and accreditation specialist with more than twenty-five years of experience in clinical leadership in acute care settings. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a commitment to improving patient safety by empowering staff and leadership to maintain continuous compliance and achieve excellence in patient care across healthcare settings. As a Principal Consultant with Compass Clinical Consulting, Lena served as team lead for the accreditation and regulatory compliance survey team. Lena has a strong commitment to client relationships and provides support to retainer clients to ensure patient safety and quality of care. Most recently, Lena has fulfilled 3 Interim positions as Director of Accreditation and was responsible for restructuring accreditation departments and leading organizations in continuous compliance and preparation for survey readiness for their triennial Joint Commission (TJC) or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) survey. Since then, those three organizations have had successful surveys with no condition-level findings. Additionally, Lena has successfully coached numerous organizations through Immediate Jeopardy situations with all organizations getting the IJ lifted, and no condition level findings noted on return surveys. She is a true pioneer in leadership development and coaching for excellence in healthcare accreditation.
Prior to consulting, Lena had over 2 decades of experience in Accreditation and Regulatory leadership. As an expert for CMS, TJC, and state regulations, she has performed system-wide tracers for continuous readiness and patient safety, coordinated accreditation and regulatory surveys, chaired, and facilitated continuous readiness committees, and coached staff and leadership in effective compliance and performance improvement strategies. Additionally, Lena has extensive experience in Quality and Patient Safety, Performance Improvement, Medical Staff Credentialing and Privileging, Contract Management, and Strategic Planning for Hospitals and Home Care Agencies.
Recorded Webinar -
The Joint Commission 2022 Updates on Advance Directives, Deficiencies, Complaints, Restraint and Seclusion, and More!