This session by tax attorney Adam S Fayne will discuss the ethical considerations we must consider when representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. Adam will discuss how to handle conflicts of interest, how to navigate an audit if you suspect your client is less than truthful, obligations of due diligence when preparing your client’s tax return, what to do if you discover your client misrepresented something to you when preparing his or her tax return, or representing the client in an audit or collection proceedings, and many more “sticky” situations.
This program will provide insight and tools to be able to best represent your clients and uphold your ethical obligations under Circular 230 and related laws.
Adam is a tax attorney who helps businesses and individuals with tax controversies before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and tax planning both domestically and internationally. He also handles a variety of white collar criminal matters, both federal and state, particularly involving civil and criminal tax fraud, including tax evasion, money laundering and offshore tax compliance. Adam's knowledge of tax law is informed by his former role as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney with the Department of Treasury's IRS.