Missteps in fair housing and other areas can create expensive lawsuits. Sometimes we guess at what we should do, we listen to rumors and gossip, get bad advice and make poor decisions that create complaints. The speaker receives many questions regarding hard to understand, or seemingly simple situations and blunders that can get an apartment community in trouble. You may be surprised that the way you are dealing with resident and property management issues can turn into costly mistakes.
The number one reason that people stop ‘doing business’ with any property/company is the way they are spoken to and treated by the staff. In today’s environment dealing with Covid 19, residents/customers are scared, angry and frustrated. And they are quick to file complaints!
Management companies tend to train hard skills versus soft skills. This webinar helps us understand why knowledge of the product, the laws and most important how to provide improved service.
Entire site staff, regional managers, all owners
Anne Sadovsky has been in the apartment industry five decades and is a former V P of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. Her credentials include NAAEI Advanced Facilitator, CAM, and CAPS. She is a contributing writer for many publications, had earned a Texas Real Estate license and certified Speaking credentials from the National Speakers Association. She was named one of the top trainers in the industry by Multi-Housing News and both the Brainstorming Conference and the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas have honored Anne with Legends Awards. Anne has chaired and served on many education committees for major conferences. She has coauthored several books and has flown over three million miles sharing her knowledge and wit, and her success story has been featured in many national magazines including Money, Texas Business and Ladies Home Journal. Anne is multifaceted, offers many topics, shares skills and tools that are life changing, common sense, high energy, fun but no nonsense.
Recorded Webinar -
The Power Of Resolving Conflict For Property Management Professionals; Keep Peace, Your Cool And Your Residents/ Customers